
~ back 2 the normal ~

assalammualaikum & hay semua...
sehat2 kah hari ni wahai readers & followers ku tersayang....? ;)
hope semuanye sehat2... hehehe...

ok hari ni ikin nak tulis pasal BACK 2 THE NORMAL....
ok pe kebendenye back 2 the normal tu...?
sebenarnya pasal layout blog ikin... sebelum ni blog ikin BLINg2 gitu...
kadang2 bila ikin tengok puun macam rimas jer...
sampai la ikin terasa nak buat yang basic jer.... macam mane ok tak?? ;)

actually pencentus idea semua ni asal dari senior ikin... nama dia k.shera..
dia yang bagi idea pasal nak buat blog ni sesimple2 nye...
hope korang enjoy penampilan blog baru ikin ni...
ok pada yang selalu singgah kat blog ikin ni, nti tinggalkan link blog korang k..
insya allah ikin follow balik..

ok sampai sini jer entry kali ni...
kalau ade masa ikin update lagi..
see you again... dadada...
p/s : ni amik sikit tande sayang ikin tuk korang... <3>


~ MuSiC vErY iMpOrTaNt ~

assalammualaikum & hay semua...
kabare semua...?? waras enggak??
*hehehe... tiba-tiba rasa nak speaking JAWANESE....
ok la sebelum ikin makin melalut meh ikin nk story-mory sikit pasal...

dalam dunia bagi ikin semua orang minat dengan music kan..?
tak kira la apa-apa irama pun... balada ke, hip hop ke, jazz ker, rock ke @ pun irama 60-70 han... apa yang penting tu semua sedap didengar dekat telinga masing-masing...hehehe..
honestly bagi diri ikin sendiri, apa-apa yang ikin buat mesti nak ada musik a.k.a lagu...
sebab kalau tak ada semua ni alamaknya ikin beradu diatas katil la nampaknya...

ok selain tu music jugak boleh express macam-macam...
tambah2 dalam bab2 yang ada kaitan dengan hati, perasaan, cinta, persahabatan. family dan macam2 lagi...
kadang2 mood kita tengah ok jer tapi bila t'dengar lagu-lagu yang agak syahdu & mendayu-dayu automatik mood kita pun berubah ikut tone lagu tu...
benda ni bukan 1 yang aneh... bagi ikin semua orang pernah alaminya..
bertapa besar pengaruh musik dalam diri kita sampaikan sesetangah orang tu nak tido pun nak dengar music jugak... hehehe... *termasuk la diri orang yang menulis ni... ;)

sometimes music jugak boleh hilangkan stress... tu ada lah cara yang paling mudah untuk hilangkan stress... tak payah nak g window shopping semata-mata nak hilangkan stress... wat menghabiskan boreh jer... * tapi tu semua depend pada diri masing-masing jugak...
betul tak??
yang penting tepuk dada tanya diri kita sendiri macam mana cara yang lebih sesuai dengan diri kita...

ok finally walau macam mana penting pun music tu jangan la sampai hidup kita ni sentiasa dikongkong dengan music...
ini semua bukan korang jer...tapi untuk diri kita juga...
sebab ikin penah terbaca dekat dalam paper dulu, ada seorang remaja ni sampai masuk HOSPITAL TANJUNG RAMBUTAN sebab terlampau obses dengan music..
so be careful k..

ok la sampai dekat sini jer entry kali ni..
kalau ada masa ikin update lagi ok...
bye-bye & wasalam.....


~ when fall in love ~

assalammuailaikum & hay all my readers n follower...
quit long time not update this blog...
the main reasons is always BUSY... ;)

ok today i just want to share something...
hopefully you all like it...
just enjoy it...

i don't know when it was...
from the moment that i saw you...
every minute, every second...
i keep thinking about you...
what are you doing..?
where you right now..?
when i look here & there...
i keep on liking you...
i think i'm going crazy...
i wonder the way my heart fools...
i wonder if you know the way i feel...
day after day, every time i look at you...
i always want to wait...
i only want to know you and love you...
even spending time on love is a waste...
i don't want to do anything without you...
every day...
from the moment i open my eyes...
i want to see you...
now i can't go on one day without you...
i just want to hear you say you love me...
i love you every day, i only love you...
just two of us...
i become speechless and hold my breath...
your two hands are holding my shanking hands...
i think i'm going to cry...
did you just confess to me..?
will you always protect & only look at me..?
when i cry because of you...
will you promise to hug me..?
this is the moment that i have longer for...
i can't believe that this is really happening...
are you going to look and protect me every day...?
i love you to much for us to be friend...
so can you please tell me that one word " I LOVE YOU " right now??
i love you and only love you...
* taken from ost playful kiss*

so how is it??
actually the main reason why i wrote about that because some of the stanza have true opinion...
in this reality world, when we fall in love with someone we always want to know about him/her....
and sometimes we always keep thinking about that...
honestly for me 80% from the stanza is correct...
so that's why i want share with you guys...
i'm sorry if you all not understand with some words in this stanza..
because it was translation from korean to english..

ok lastly hope you all enjoy...
and if i have a time i will share something for you guys...
k see you next time..


~ hope you all happy ~

assalammuailaikum n hay smue my readers n followers....
agk lame ikin xupdate blog ni...
bkn ape mse nk update blog, mood xbrpe ok...
tu smue de kaitan gan entry yg lps...

tp alhamdulilah smuenye da kmbli ok skrg ni...
myb berkat smue yg slalu bg ikin moral support..
thnx guys...
jse korang hnye ALLAH je yg blh bls...

entry kali ni ikin nk share ckit psl mber2 yg akn bertukar status...
i mean from single can be INRELATIONSHIP @ ENGAGED...
sonoknye kan...
ni bln 3 ni, de 2 3 org mber ikin nk bertunang...
yg in relationship tu xyah cite la...
mmg da rmai pown...

tp sblom pe2 pown, ikin nk ucapkan SELAMAT BERTUNANG pd mber2 t'syg...
* syg ker?? hehehe.. ;)
hope korang bhgie d'smpg org t'syg...
doa2 kan la kwn2 mu yg bujang ni cpt2 ckit cm korang...

xsbr nk tgk kwn2 ikin b'tunang..
bkn pe, nk tgk seri muke dieowg...
nti klw de mse ikin amik gmbr n upload gmbr k...
klw xde tu, phm2 jela pe sbbnye... ;)

ok la smpi kat cini jer entry kali ni...
klw ikin free ikin update lg ok...
see u again n dadada...